Adapted from Chapter# 14, Living in the Future Tense
The End of Truth:
The Fantasy of Life in a Fact Free World
Edward Renner
We know from archeology that whole
societies have collapsed in the past. Then, they had the excuse of not knowing
any better; that is no longer true. The paradox is that the more we know, the
less knowingly we are living our lives. How can the Information Age also be the
Age of Stupid?
The most difficult part of human change is letting go of the
security of existing beliefs and values to embrace the uncertainty of a
different future. The result is often the loss of the capacity to see, hear or
speak the truth.
We have not yet learned that lesson. The challenge of our
time is how to live sustainably and peacefully on a crowded planet in the 21st
Century. This will require alternative economic, social and political process.
Instead, we are persisting in pursuing the fantasy of narrow, single-minded
ideologies based on economic growth, consumption and nationalism.
Yet, we know the planet cannot support the energy intense
lifestyle of the developed countries and also fulfill the comparable aspirations
of developing nations, in particular those of China, India and Brazil. As
emerging markets, they are essential for the survival of free-market capitalism
in the developed countries, and in particular for the United States. The
developing countries cannot give up using coal if they are to emerge as
consumers, and the developed countries cannot give up growth if they are to
maintain their current lifestyle.
The dilemma of the necessity to embrace the uncertainties of
a global community without the capacity to change is a prescription for either mutual
environmental collapse or internal civic disruption and external conflict
between nations and regions over who will be forced to abandon their
aspirations and accept harsh austerities.
We need a global energy initiative and an alternative sustainable
global economy, not ideological wars in Washington over global warming and, in
the Middle East, over securing Western influence and the New American Century.
Our invasion of Iraq and the Arab Spring did not bring democracy to the Middle
East; indeed, just the opposite.

Three trillion dollars later, and still counting, the war
without end continues. The national debt has soared without – for the first
time in the history of the US – a war tax increase to pay the cost. Instead,
the debt has been thoughtlessly passed on to our children who will have no
realistic way to deal with it. The physical infrastructure required to be
competitive in a global economy has been allowed to decay, and the social
programs necessary for a strong functional democracy – education, health,
economic security and poverty assistance – are collapsing. The nation is
divided with racial and ethnic tension while the level of poverty is increasing.

In the end, they were proved to be right. But, their career
was over for saying they were ashamed the President was from Texas!
What has gone wrong in our country?
Speaking the truth has lost its currency, politically,
economically and socially. Political Action Committees (PACs) have reduced
civics to marketing and politicians to puppets. Eleven million VW cars world-wide
lie about their emissions and those who perpetrated the financial crisis of
2008 knowingly said to each other at the time: “You will be gone and I’ll be
gone.” To complete the circle, wealth and income inequality have placed power
in the hands of the super wealthy who own the PACs which serve their own
private, not public, interests.
The commercial consolidation of
the media and journalism, and the commodification of higher education, is
silencing the last frontier of truth telling. Each episode of terrorism
increases our willingness to accept more intrusive surveillance and limits to
privacy as a necessary sacrifice for keeping freedom and democracy safe.
Those who speak to truth are not answered with substance,
but are labeled as dangerous. Chelsea Manning is imprisoned, Edward Snowden and Julian Assange are living in exile as criminals for revealing failures of
public trust by the very government whose essential function in a democracy is
the keeping of that trust. We are withdrawing into the fantasy of living in a
fact free world, where repeating ideological myths of greed, patriotism and
hate have displaced civic political discourse.
When societies have collapsed in the past it was because
they silenced truth tellers by holding on to the false security of ideologies until
it was too late for change. This time, it not just the collapse of the US that
is at stake, but of the planet itself. And, it all started back in 2003 when we
stood by in silence and watched while the Dixie Chicks were sacrificed to the
patriotic fantasy of the exceptionalism of the new American Century.
Maybe it is time for a Dixie Chick reunion concert. We owe
them one.
Edward Renner is a
retired university professor who writes on the modern human challenge of how to
live sustainably and peacefully on a crowded planet in the 21st Century. A
prepublication draft copy of his most recent book is available at
He may be reached at